Virtual Accessories

Virtual Accessories

Today, almost all of us have come to face a completely different reality and rapidly adopted remote mode of work. Our daily meetings have been replaced with virtual get-togethers and not only do we conduct business meetings online, but we also host virtual guests on our birthdays. All this has been largely facilitated by Zoom, which has become our companion throughout this new journey we are on.

It is certainly extremely convenient to be able to conduct important negotiations while wearing a pair of fluffy pants and not have to stress over waking up 15 minutes late and not having enough time to take a shower before showing up to work. However, there are lots of impediments still – not having a proper workspace or having to speak over the loud noises from the kids’ room next door. Even though nobody really expects us to appear on a computer screen wearing a thoroughly ironed shirt and a solid tie, a friend of mine had an interesting thought recently: “Wouldn’t it be nice if we could choose a nice business casual outfit via Zoom as we join our meetings?”

The idea belongs to Mziko Lapiashvili. She has always pampered me with some of the most amusing ideas, but I took this one particularly seriously and immediately searched for freelancers that could create a SnapChat filter. The task was simple: to select my colorful bowties and matching shirts and sweaters and eventually integrate them into a virtual reality. After days and even weeks of trying, I finally managed to create the filter—thanks to my other two friends, Davit Nishnianidze and Kote Tvalashvili.

I really hope that this tiny perk will brighten up the gloomy days of quarantine and allow you to experiment with vibrant outfits while talking to friends, who you already fool around with—with aging filters and virtual spacesuits. I have now integrated several business casual filters on Zoom (and every other video call platform, including Google Hangouts, Teams, Skype etc.), which you can play around with and use to come up with an outfit of your choice—featuring a bowtie, scarf and shirt or sweater from Giovanni Morra—without having to waste hours in front of your closet ever again.

I’ve created filters for both men and women.

There are four filters for men (of course, ladies are welcome to experiment with a shirt and bowtie as well, if they wish to do so)

Ladies have a chance to experiment with a total of 5 filters (again, men who would enjoy wearing a colorful sweater and a scarf are also welcome to do so)

Filters have been created through 3D modeling, with Lens Studio—the official filter creation software for SnapChat.  We have also tried our best to channel current body tracking capabilities to a maximum and match all existing parameters.

Instructions are simple: download Snap Camera on your computer. Click Settings in your Zoom call window


and select Snap Camera. A Snap Cam window will pop up on your desktop.
You can easily find my signature filter by typing Giovanni Morra in the search bar.


Wishing you health and a delightful video calling experience!

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